Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund Grants A Total of $20K To Four Charities That Serve Local Kids - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Hawaii Life Charitable Fund

Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund Grants A Total of $20K To Four Charities That Serve Local Kids

Four Hawai‘i charities were recently awarded grant funding from the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund (HLCF). Grants were awarded through Hawai‘i Love, the HLCF’s grant-making program.

Each year, the HLCF accepts grant applications from Hawai‘i-based 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organizations. The HLCF volunteer Board of Directors selects grant recipients based on the alignment of each request with the HLCF mission and annual giving focus. The HLCF mission is defined as “working to preserve Hawai‘i’s beauty and culture by supporting its people.”

“The four charities were chosen because their projects are in keeping with our mission and our current giving focus of Caring for our Keiki,” said Mealoha Kraus, Chairman of the HLCF. Each grant recipient received $5,000 to support their services and programming that assist children on each of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Island, Maui and Kaua‘i.

The four 2018 HLCF grant recipients include the Friends of the Children Justice Center of East Hawai‘i, located on Hawai‘i Island. The friends’ vision and mission focus on helping the children of abuse in East Hawai‘i and preventing future incidences of child abuse. Grant funding also went to Anaina Hou Community Park on Kauai, to assist with their Discovery Island Playground project, a recreational and educational space for both adults and kids to learn together.

Funding will also be disbursed to Grow SomeGood, a Maui nonprofit organization dedicated to creating hands-on, outdoor learning experiences that cultivate curiosity about natural life cycles, connect students to their food sources, and inspire better nutrition choices. Surfrider Spirit Sessions on Oahu will use funds from the HLCF to match at-risk youth with volunteer surf mentors. The non-profit uses surfing as a metaphor for how at-risk young people can live better lives.

About the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund


The Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund at the Hawai‘i Community Foundation supports local charities that are aligned with our mission of working to preserve Hawai‘i’s beauty and culture by supporting its people. The HLCF and the Hawai‘i Love grant funding program were created to answer a need for more flexible, responsive, and innovative giving. The HLCF is supported primarily by agent, broker, and client donations. Each year, Hawai‘i Life agents and brokers determine an annual giving focus, and grants are awarded to Hawai‘i nonprofits whose charitable purposes fall within this focus.

The HLCF is distinct from Hawai‘i Life’s corporate support and work with non-profit organizations, including the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, Hawai‘i Public Radio, AccesSurf, the Maui Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity Hawai‘i island, the Historic Hawaii Foundation, and others.

How to Donate to the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund

Hawai‘i Life agents, brokers, clients, as well as the general public can donate to the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund online at give.hawaiilife.com. For more information about eligibility for the Hawaii Love grant program, please visit give.hawaiilife.com.

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