Hawaii is One of the Happiest & Healthiest Places to Live - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawaii is One of the Happiest & Healthiest Places to Live

The pursuit of happiness is an American ideal. But, do you know that some states rate higher on the happiness scale? Where you live can and does affect your well-being. According to a Gallup-Healthways index, Hawaii is one of the healthiest states. It’s not a surprise that Hawaii rates high. After all, one only has to breathe the air and look around to appreciate the gift that is Hawaii. The weather and natural beauty alone provide reason enough to be happy. When it comes to measuring happiness, though, some not so obvious factors come into play.

Factors that influence a state of well-being and happiness include:

  • Strong social support systems
  • Sense of gratitude
  • Spirit of generosity
  • Spiritual awareness
  • Physical activity
  • Time spent outdoors

Perhaps Hawaii rates high because these factors are all at play in our state. Hawaii people are loving people. They are generous. Kind. There is a deep sense of gratitude for this place we call home. We have strong social networks, a strong sense of spirituality. Hawaii people are also active people. The weather and natural elements are conducive to physical activity. Exercise leads to good health and more energy. Healthy, energetic people are happy people.

Grateful to Live in Hawaii

Granted, the secret to happiness differs from person to person. Evidence is growing to support that where we live does affect our happiness. Liking where we live, feeling safe, and taking pride in our community and state, creates a true sense of well-being.

Studies also suggest that people who are regularly grateful — who acknowledge the goodness in life and the sources of it – are generally healthier and happier. There is a reason we say, “Lucky We Live Hawaii.” It’s because we are grateful for this place we call home. And happy, too!

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