Hawaii First Responders Rebate - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Hawaii First Responders Rebate

You often don’t stop and think about all the amazing men and women who have chosen the path of being a first responder. This is a brave group of people who jump into action often at someone else’s worst moments. You sure stop and think about these brave souls when you need assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as an accident or during a time of a disaster. The first responders I know work hard, are highly trained, and generally choose the profession for the love of helping others often during a crisis.

These are the types of jobs that I personally feel are extremely underpaid for all they do for others. When its a time of need, you can’t get help fast enough, and these are the brave souls that step forward to selflessly help others.

First Responder Buyer/Seller Closing Credit

As a proud member of Hawaii Life Real Estate, I am more than pleased to announce a new program that gives back. In conjunction with our partnership with Leading Real Estate Companies of the world, we have an amazing new rebate program offered to first responders as well as VA buyers and sellers. This is all under the U.S Military On The Move program that includes both VA Buyers/Sellers and our First Responders. The program gives a credit at closing when you buy or sell a home in Hawaii.

Once registered, the member can receive a credit at closing up to 20% of the Hawaii Life agent’s commission. This is a direct credit from the Hawaii Life agent back to the qualified buyer or seller at closing. In addition to some of our other programs such as the Hawaii Life Charitable fund and our Conservation Division, the company and its agents are always looking for a way to give back. This is a fantastic opportunity to receive a closing credit with almost no strings attached or hoops to jump through. We are currently the only brokerage in Hawaii that is part of this program.

How To Register

On the site, you can learn more about the program and get an idea of how much the rebate might be using the estimator. All the data can be found at www.usmilitaryonthemove.com. All you need to do is register via the blue button link: Register for Rebate

Want to Know More?

If you would like to learn more about Hawaii Real Estate or the U.S Military on the move rebate for First responders and VA Buyers/Sellers, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email me at any time.

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