Adventuring to the Green Sand Beach on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Adventuring to the Green Sand Beach on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii

Gorgeous Green Sand Beach on the untouched Ka’u Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii

Just a hop, skip, and a jump away from where I live, Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, is a breathtaking cove of glimmering green sand! Papakolea Beach (also known as Green Sand Beach or Mahana Beach) is located near South Point in Ka’u. It is one of only two green sand beaches in the United States, and the other is in Guam.

The beach gets its brilliant coloring from olivine crystals, the “Hawaiian Diamonds” that are found in the enclosing cinder cone. Not far from this amazing cove is also a small subdivision located on a golf course called, Discovery Harbour. Homes for sale there range in prices from $125,900 to $465,000 which is outstanding considering most of them are fairly new and have screaming ocean views! Not to mention there is also county water, not catchment!

Epic cinder cliffs enclosing this serene green sand cove…majestic…

I have lived here just about my entire life and have actually never been to Green Sands before today! It was awesome!! We drove down South Point road till we got to a spray painted sign that pointed the way. Then we threw our Rover into 4wd and missioned the couple miles to the beach. The kids were lovin’ it!! When we got there, we were the only people there for a little while, till a group of about 6 people finally made their way in after walking the 2 mile trek along the Ka’u desert coast.

There is definitely something magical about sunbathing on a private green sand beach in Hawaii! The water was a bit rough, not for the novice swimmer, but was sparkling turquoise and oh so inviting! I totally went body womping (body surfing) for awhile and it brought back some awesome childhood memories of wipin’ out in the waves! Hawaii has so much to offer! From beaches and bays, to rainforests and waterfalls, the Big Island boasts it all! I love where I live and my Hawaii Life!

Curious about living the Hawaii dream? I can help!! Feel free to contact me anytime! You can also read my previous blog posts here!

A Hui Hou! (until next time!)

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