Diamond Head house on the mountain facing ocean, very good “feng shui” (MLS# 1007536) currently available for $6,500,000
“Feng shui”(风水) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive “Qi” (energy).
This sounds like it has no relationship with our real estate service, but a couple years ago, I helped one young couple buy a condo for their first home, and I realized how important it is to understand “feng shui.” As a real estate agent, you can serve your clients better.
Maunalani Heights house (MLS# 1100013), on the mountain facing ocean, good on “feng shui,” currently available for $2,968,200
I was helping this young couple, several years ago, to find condos they liked. After several months searching, we finally found one that really fit their wish list. We signed a contract. Very early the next morning, the wife called me and wanted to cancel the contract. I was shocked and asked, “what’s happening? It was very happy yesterday night when you both signed the contract.”
She told me after that, they went home, and right away began drawing the unit layout for their feng shui specialist to check and see if it was fit for their health. The feng shui specialist found that the direction of the entrance of the unit would hurt her husband’s health if they lived there, so they decided to cancel the deal.
Hawaii Loa Ridge house (MLS# 1102773) good “feng shui” sitting, currently available for $5,450,000
So, I began to study the feng shui basic theory. I learned that ancient Chinese feng shui are very concerned about how to make each individual human living area fit the natural environment.
If your living area is a fit nature environment, it can improve your health, getting positive energy. If it is the opposite way, your living area will hurt your health and damage your family’s harmony.
Koko Kai house (MLS# 1103342), good feng shui house, currently available for $5,450,000
In astronomy, there is nature movement, energy, etc. Some are invisible, but they really exist. Human beings are one of them, so we should respect nature, getting a fit nature-harmony way to live. Then, it will improve your health, your family harmony, and your wealth.
After that, I called the seller’s agent and seller to explain the feng shui, and how import it was to my clients. The unit was very nicely remodeled. My clients liked the unit, and the building as well, but the unit’s entrance direction was not fit for the husband’s health. They would spend a lot of their lifetime living there, and it would cost them in health problems. So, they can only choose to give it up. After my explanation, the seller and seller’s agent began to understand my clients’ cancellation.
After several months researching condos fitting for her husband’s health, we finally found one. They were so happy and gave me a compass as a gift. I know it means I should learn more about feng shui, I can serve the people better.
This feng shui compass is to direct each individual to live in a healthy, harmonious environment
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我马上ç€æ‰‹å¼€å§‹å¦ä¹ 有关“风水â€çš„基础ç†è®ºï¼Œæˆ‘明白了“风水â€æ‰€è¯´çš„原ç†æ¥è‡ªäººï¼Œå¤©ï¼Œåœ°çš„关系。在宇宙里的万物万事,都是互相è”系,互相ä¾èµ–,互相排斥的è¿åŠ¨ï¼Œæˆ‘们人类也是其ä¸çš„一份å,所以,æ¯ä¸€ä¸ªäººç”Ÿæ´»çŽ¯å¢ƒå°±è¦é€‚应自然å˜åœ¨ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ çš„å±…ä½çš„环境与自然è¦æ±‚çš„ç›¸é€‚åº”ï¼Œä½ å°±ä¼šå¾—åˆ°è‰¯å¥½çš„èƒ½é‡ï¼Œå°±èƒ½ä½¿ä½ å¥åº·ï¼Œå®¶åºå’Œç¦ï¼Œäº‹ä¸šå‘达,åä¹‹ï¼Œå°±ä¼šç»™ä½ çš„å¥åº·å¸¦æ¥éº»çƒ¦ï¼Œå®¶åºçº 纷频ç¹ï¼Œç‰ç‰çš„æ¶è¿ã€‚在æ¤ä¹‹åŽï¼Œæˆ‘就打电è¯å‘Šè¯‰å–方的ç»çºªäººå’Œå–方,我的买方解除åˆçº¦çš„åŽŸå› ä¸æ˜¯ä»–们的公寓有问题,而是“风水â€ä¸Šï¼Œè¿™ä¸ªå…¬å¯“åªå¯¹æˆ‘的买方带æ¥å¥åº·çš„麻烦。åˆå‘他们解释了“风水â€çš„原ç†ï¼Œæœ€åŽä»–们终于ç†è§£äº†ä¹°æ–¹çš„è¦æ±‚,解除了åˆåŒã€‚
ç»è¿‡å‡ 个月å†æœç´¢ï¼Œæˆ‘为他们终于找到了适应他们å¥åº·çš„“风水â€å…¬å¯“,他们éžå¸¸çš„满æ„,并且,还é€æˆ‘一个专门用于“风水â€çš„“指å—é’ˆâ€ã€‚我明白他们是想让我在今åŽçš„工作ä¸ç”¨â€œé£Žæ°´â€çš„原ç†ï¼Œä¸ºå®¢æˆ·æ供更好的æœåŠ¡ã€‚
Buying or Selling a Home Through the Law of Attraction and the Law of Intention « Hawaii Real Estate Market
April 30, 2011
[…] shui and be able to see immediate results. Along with the Law of Intention to sell their home, the art of feng shui corrects and enhances the Chi-energy to move more freely, causing the intention of the person to come to […]
Buying or Selling a Home Through the Law of Attraction and the Law of Intention « Hawaii Real Estate Market
April 30, 2011
[…] shui and be able to see immediate results. Along with the Law of Intention to sell their home, the art of feng shui corrects and enhances the Chi-energy to move more freely, causing the intention of the person to come to […]