Fear, Doubt and Uncertainty and Your Real Estate Decisions - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Fear, Doubt and Uncertainty and Your Real Estate Decisions

Are you concerned about all the upheaval in the world? We are barely coming out of a two year pandemic and now we are witnessing the horrible events in Ukraine. If you are watching the stock market, you know it’s volatile. And, interest rates are heading up. How high will they go? Yes, there is a lot of uncertainty in the world and none of us can predict the future.

Uncertainty is Understandable

So, if you are feeling concerned and uncertain, it is totally understandable. You have good reason to be concerned about the events going on in the world. But, it’s also important to recognize that there is also a lot of misinformation, spin, and confusion out there. More than ever, it’s critical that you stick to verifiable facts when it comes to your real estate decisions.

Yes, interest rates are increasing, but they are still incredibly low historically speaking, and although none of us know how the war in Ukraine, geopolitics, inflation, and the events surrounding us will impact our economy and our future, we do know that real estate as an investment over time has a good track record.

Get Accurate Information

The key to making any good decision begins with avoiding misinformation and getting the right information. Accurate information. So, rather than allow your fears, concerns and doubts to take hold of you, it’s much better for you to take hold of the facts. If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate, start the process by gathering information. All real estate is local and all real estate decisions are specific. Don’t allow confusion and conflicting voices to keep you from doing what is in your best interest. Instead, sit down with a professional, get informed, and then decide what is best for you.

Do Your Research

We live in a time of uncertainty, no question. Decisions about your future, especially big financial decisions, like buying or selling real estate, aren’t easy. They require time. So, take time to do your research. Identify your options. Assess the risk and the rewards. And, above all else, rely on a seasoned Realtor who has their finger on the pulse of the market and who can provide you with historical and current market data — someone who has your best interest at heart and who can help give you clarity.

Find Clarity

When it comes to your real estate decisions, clarity counts! Achieving clarity of mind begins with some simple focused attention in the present moment. Settle your mind despite all the noise surrounding you. Ignore the spin and the drama. Instead, ask yourself, “What do I want and what do I need to do to get there?” Being clear on your end goal can help define the steps you need to take to achieve your desired outcome. When you are operating from a place of clarity, you will see things more clearly. And, when you see things clearly — free from confusion and doubt – you’ll make the best decision for you. A decision based on thorough research, verifiable facts, and wise counsel.

Final Thoughts

Real estate is a tangible, usable asset. An asset that increases in value over time and one that typically outperforms other investments. It is the basis of most wealth and it affords you tax breaks, equity building, and a hedge against inflation. Yes, there is a lot of fear, doubt, and uncertainty in the world, but one thing is certain — real estate, especially Hawaii real estate, is a good bet!

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chris friese

March 17, 2022

Great article Cherie!

Cherie Tsukamoto

March 17, 2022

> Thanks Chris!


March 18, 2022

Rule of thumb from an investor……indeed be careful of spin. I find if the advise is from a Real Estate Professional it’s “always a good time to buy Real Estate”. Most of the documentation you sign in a real estate transaction protect the Realtor and place all the liability on the Buyer and the Seller.

The main question you need to ask yourself is “am I planning on living in the home?” And if so, “am I going to live there 5 years or 30 years?” If it’s in this market, I think if you answer 5 years you are insane to buy now.

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