Don't Go it Alone in Real Estate or in Life - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Buying Advice

Don’t Go it Alone in Real Estate or in Life

When it comes to your real estate decisions, do you need a coach, a counselor, or a consultant? What about when it comes to your life decisions? I’d like to propose that you need all three!

The Role of a Coach

Why? Here’s the thing, a coach focuses on where you are presently and where you are headed. A coach’s goal is to help you gain clarity about your vision and to help you eliminate obstacles to your success. In short, a coach helps you get where you are going. Hmmmm….sounds a lot like what we do when we help our clients with their buying and selling decisions.

The Importance of a Consultant

What about a consultant? A consultant takes responsibility for a specific project and acts as a specialist. Do you need specific information and knowledge when it comes to your property’s value? What about your local real estate market and the buying and selling process? When you are involved in one of the most important transactions of your life, it makes sense for you to have a consultant. You’ll want someone who can help you achieve results because of their expertise, knowledge and experience.

The Need for a Counselor

It is understandable that you need a coach to help you gain clarity and a consultant to help you achieve your goal. But do you really need a counselor? Yes. What does a counselor do? Simply defined, a counselor is a qualified individual who uses counseling methods to help you  manage and overcome both mental and emotional issues. You may have excellent mental health, but even the best of us can struggle when it comes to major moves and financial decisions. People move for many reasons — job changes, economic challenges, expanding families, shrinking families, illness, divorce, and death. Major life issues can cause even the strong and steadfast to falter.  Enter your Realtor, aka your counselor. Validating and acknowledging your feelings through the process is just part of our job. So is the occasional hand-holding and tear-wiping.

Why You’ll Want a Realtor

When it comes to your real estate, you’ll want a coach, a counselor and a consultant. You’ll want a Realtor. A good Realtor — someone who possesses the skill set, knowledge and expertise to be your coach, your consultant, and your counselor. Someone who has your back and who wants the best outcome for you.

Life Lessons in Real Estate

The process of buying and selling real estate is a lot like life. There are lots of moving parts, challenges, pitfalls, emotions, successes, setbacks, and unknowns. If you need a coach, consultant, and a counselor for your real estate transactions, maybe you need all three for your life, too. Who doesn’t need a coach in their corner to cheer them on and to help them get where they are going in life? And, don’t we all need advise from qualified consultants on a myriad of things? And, who doesn’t need a good counselor from time to time to help us manage our emotions and to help us overcome our personal and professional issues?

Support for Success

Don’t go it alone in real estate or in life. Successful, healthy people get help. They’re always trying to improve and they know when to ask for help. Leaning into those who know more than you makes sense. Good sense. So, make sure you have good counselors, good consultants, and good coaches in your life. Oh, and a good Realtor, too!

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