Does Hawaii Have Seasons? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Does Hawaii Have Seasons?

A standard stereotype that people have about Hawaii is that there are no seasons. I’ve even heard some people say they would get “island fever” if they could not see the changes of the four seasons. The beauty of the Big Island is that there are seasons, and winter is definitely one of them. Due to the high elevations of the volcanic mountains, compared to the other Hawaiian Islands winter on the Big Island is very different.

Flowing coffee bean plants mimic snow 

Significant Seasonal Changes on the Big Island

Starting in November, the first thing you notice is a drop in temperatures. For instance, Kailua-Kona’s daytime temperatures drop into the low 80s or 70s and at night temperatures drop into the 60s. Depending on the elevation of where you live, you may actually need more than one blanket at night or perhaps even a fireplace.

The most significant seasonal change that no other Hawaiian Island has is snow. There is nothing like sitting on the beach or paddling with snow-capped Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa standing tall in the background. It is a mesmerizing sight no matter where you are viewing it from. When there is snow, the entire island experiences a drop in temperature. If you are not cool enough and need more of a winter experience, just head to the mountains for a fun day in the snow.

View of  snowcapped Mauna Kea 

In addition to the change of temperature, each season experiences seasonal flower blooms. When mainland residents think of poinsettia, they think of going to the local florist to buy a few in pots. Here on the Big Island, during the winter months just before Thanksgiving hedges of poinsettia and fields of white coffee flowers go into full bloom.

Beautiful poinsettias in full bloom

Another winter indicator occurs in our beautiful ocean. The calm, flat, and warm summer water conditions completely change into exciting wave-powered energy. Water temperatures cool, the giant winter swells roll into the Big Island’s coastline, and the Humpback whales return to birth their young. The ocean comes alive during the winter months. Living oceanfront during the winter months is a special treat.

Incredible winter swells 

One of the Most Wonderful Times of the Year

Although the seasonal changes are subtle here in Hawaii, they do exist. Sometimes it just takes being here for a little while for you to notice the seasonal changes. You may come to agree that winter on the Big Island is one of the most wonderful times of the year.

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Cissy Hepburn

January 21, 2015

My husband and I are retired. Are goal is to relocate to the Big Island, Hilo area, in about 4 years. (personal reasons are keeping us here until that time frame) Anyway, I would love to have some information regarding what our options might be in regards to moving household goods, cars, etc. across the ocean, especially estimated costs. I watch Hawaii Life regularly, but this issue has never been discussed. I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you.

Cissy Hepburn

January 21, 2015

My husband and I are retired. Are goal is to relocate to the Big Island, Hilo area, in about 4 years. (personal reasons are keeping us here until that time frame) Anyway, I would love to have some information regarding what our options might be in regards to moving household goods, cars, etc. across the ocean, especially estimated costs. I watch Hawaii Life regularly, but this issue has never been discussed. I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you.


September 22, 2016

We moved to pahoa…. 30 mins. Out of hilo…. In March 2016…. leave it there!!! Leather purses, belts and shoes mold within weeks. Furniture is always damp so mold growth is huge in big padded cushion stuff and anything that isn’t SOLID wood (pressboard, paneling) will grow mold in a couple weeks. Any picture frames with the black fuzzy stuff in back mold quick! My wedding pics etc that are framed are stuck to glass and molding in less then 6 months. Now I could go on but I want you to know we LOVE it here!!! You just have to do things differently!! Material purses u can wash, ratten furniture with mold proof fabric, make sure your bed mattresses are mold resistant and the best advise I can give you is simple!!! Less is best:) I actually shipped my wedding album and old photos back to my mom in California…. which brings us to shipping…. it’s EXPENSIVE!!! We spent 1,000 in shipping kitchen stuff, tools and clothings. They have containers for $ 4,000 4x5x8 foot you can barely fit a frig and a few boxes! I’m honestly saying to sell it off… keep cash and buy here!! Except very pricy stuff…. example, $80 to ship my 30 pound $500 kitchen aide mixer… worth it. My hubby fixes our car and home repairs so tools! Use flat rate priority boxes for heavy such items… $15 -20 a box ….about size of large shoe box. I really hope this helps… I wish I would have known… I would have sold off a lot more!:) You will have costco, sears, macy, pier 1, Ross, target etc to shop from and prices seem no different then mainland!! Good luck on your adventure!:)

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