Decluttering for Seniors - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Decluttering for Seniors

Are you thinking of downsizing? Not sure how to go about it? If you find yourself needing to move into a small place, you will likely need to declutter. There are a few initial steps you can take to make the process easier.

Start Small

First, take your time. Tell yourself that Rome wasn’t conquered in a day. Begin small, but begin. I suggest you start by discarding things that are out-dated, broken or damaged. Next, eliminate duplicates of things. Do you really need more than one set of silverware? How many Tupperware containers do you really use? Do you really need all those coffee mugs? A few of the basic essentials will usually suffice. Ask yourself some simple questions. Do I really need it? Will I miss it? If it’s not something you will miss, it’s probably not something you need to keep.

If you are like me, you may have some things at your house that don’t even belong to you. It’s funny how adult kids think mom’s house is a great storage unit. Not! Ask your adult children, or others who may have things at your house, to come and get their stuff. Give them a set time to do so, and if they don’t, simply donate the items to charity. The trash bin is also an alternative.

Declutter Every Day

Set aside time each day to organize and de-clutter. Keep in mind that you didn’t accumulate everything overnight. It will take time to decide what goes and what stays. Work at your own pace, but keep working toward the goal. You’ll get there.

And by all means, don’t forget to ask for help. If you need help with the decision-making, the lifting, the boxing, there are plenty of people who can assist. Consider family members, friends, or professional organizers.

Keep What You Truly Value

Lastly, keep those things that truly have value to you. Meaningful and memorable items are yours to enjoy. If you get rid of the unnecessary items, you’ll truly enjoy what you keep. If there are some real treasures you simply don’t have room for, give them away to people who will love and appreciate them the way you do. Likely, many of your things will ultimately go to them anyway, so why not enjoy the look on their faces when you gift them with a surprise memento of your past.

Downsizing isn’t easy, but it is necessary as we age. The good news is that as we eliminate stuff, we often find that we have more time to do those things that really count, like sharing time with loved ones and enjoying new experiences. So, what are you waiting for? Take the necessary steps to a less cluttered, more care-free life and enjoy the people and things that truly bring you joy.

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