COVID CAN'T - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life


COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our world. It’s disrupted our lives, imploded our economy, and it has killed thousands upon thousands. It is insidious, and it is brutal.

There is a lot that COVID-19 has done. A lot that it may continue to do. But, there are also things that it can’t do.

COVID can’t keep me from thanking God every day for life. For family. For friends.

COVID can’t keep me from reaching out to others to offer an encouraging word and a helping hand.

COVID can’t keep me from becoming better. More aware. More others-centered.

COVID can’t keep me from work. I can use my feet, my hands, and my mind to find new ways to expand my business. Do my business.

COVID can’t keep me from learning. From creating, innovating, and growing.

COVID can’t keep me from seeing beauty — the beauty in nature, the beauty in others, and the beauty in me.

COVID can’t keep me from waking up every day with purpose and intentionality. I can purpose in my heart to see good.  Do good. Be good.

COVID can’t keep me from choosing to read, watch, and listen to those things that edify me, encourage me, and fill me.

COVID can’t keep me from reflecting the light I want others to see and from being the change I want to see.

COVID can’t keep me from choosing to make today the best day. It can’t keep me from choosing to be grateful, kind, and loving every day.

COVID can’t keep me from doing what I can with what I have. Now.

Yes, there are a lot of things COVID-19 can do. But, there are more things COVID can’t do! COVID can’t keep me from turning a barrier into a gate — a gate to a better path, a better life, a better planet, and a better me.


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Kanani Fung

June 2, 2020

Amen! I absolutely love you, your optimism and your faith in God!!!

By the way, before becoming a high school teacher, My sister and I went to Coldwell Banker’s Real Estate School. You’ve inspired me to start looking into getting my license. Mahalo!

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