Commercial Zoned Luxury Residence in Kailua-Kona, Big Island - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Commercial Zoned Luxury Residence in Kailua-Kona, Big Island

Top of Henry Street

This Luxury 9 Bedroom, 12 Bath gated private compound located at the top of Henry Street is a steal of a deal for a Multi-Purpose Commercial Zoned 5-acre property located right in Kona town, above Crossroads Shopping Center and other conveniences!  (MLS# 237585)


Built in 1978 and designed by Architect George Heneghan, this luxury compound was once acquired by the owner of our local newspaper, and was built for entertainment & fun!  With beautiful features on the property including the large main home & a separate duplex guest house behind the large main house…you will have lots of room for friends and guests to come over.

Commercial Use

You can use this property for many Commercial Uses. Zoned CG-20, this property has a variety of uses for anyone looking to expand the possibilities for their personal or business endeavors!

Possible Uses for this Property, Zoned CG-20 include [as stated from the Zoning Regulations]:

(a) The following uses shall be permitted uses in the CG district:
(1) Adult day care homes.
(2) Amusement and recreation facilities, indoor.
(3) Art galleries, museums.
(4) Art studios.
(5) Automobile service stations.
(6) Automobile sales and rentals.
(7) Bars, nightclubs and cabarets.
(8) Bed and breakfast establishments, as permitted under section 25-4-7.
(9) Boarding facilities, rooming, or lodging houses, provided that the maximum density
shall be one thousand two hundred fifty square feet of land area per rentable unit or
dwelling unit.
(10) Broadcasting stations.

(11) Business services.
(12) Car washing, provided that if it is mechanized, sound attenuated structures or sound attenuated walls shall be erected and maintained on the property lines.
(13) Catering establishments.
(14) Cemeteries and mausoleums, as permitted under chapter 6, article 1 of this Code.
(15) Churches, temples and synagogues.
(16) Cleaning plants using only nonflammable hydrocarbons in a sealed unit as the cleansing agent.
(17) Commercial parking lots and garages.
(18) Community buildings, as permitted under section 25-4-11.

Unofficial Planning Department version (2/28/03)

(19) Convenience stores.
(20) Crop production.
(21) Day care centers
(22) Display rooms for products sold elsewhere.
(23) Dwellings, double-family or duplex, provided that the maximum density shall be one thousand two hundred fifty square feet of land area per rentable unit or dwelling unit.
(24) Dwellings, multiple-family, provided that the maximum density shall be one thousand two hundred fifty square feet of land area per rentable unit or dwelling unit.
(25) Dwellings, single-family.
(26) Equipment sales and rental yards, and other yards where retail products are displayed in the open.

(27) Family child care homes.
(28) Farmers markets. When the vending activity in a farmers market involves more than just the sale of local fresh and/or raw produce, plant life, fish and local homegrown and homemade products for more than two days a week, the director, at the time of plan approval, shall restrict the hours of use, maintenance and operations and may require improvements as determined appropriate to ensure its compatibility with the existing character of the surrounding area.
(29) Financial institutions.
(30) Group living facilities.
(31) Home occupations, as permitted under section 25-4-13.
(32) Hospitals, sanitariums, old age, convalescent, nursing and rest homes and other similar uses.

(33) Hotels.
(34) Ice storage and dispensing facilities.
(35) Laboratories, medical and research.
(36) Laundries.
(37) Light manufacturing, processing and packaging, where the only retail sales outlet for products produced is on the premises where produced.
(38) Medical clinics.
(39) Meeting facilities.

(40) Model homes, as permitted under section 25-4-8.
(41) Mortuaries.
(42) Neighborhood parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, and similar neighborhood recreational areas and uses.
(43) Offices.
(44) Personal services.
(45) Photography studios.
(46) Public uses and structures, as permitted under section 25-4-11.
(47) Printing shops, cartographing and duplicating processes such as blueprinting or photostating shops.
(48) Repair establishments, minor.
(49) Restaurants.
(50) Retail establishments.
(51) Schools.
(52) Telecommunication antennas, as permitted under section 25-4-12.
(53) Theaters.

Unofficial Planning Department version (2/28/03)

(54) Time share units.
(55) Utility substations, as permitted under section 25-4-11.
(56) Veterinary establishments.
(b) In addition to those uses permitted under subsection (a) above, the following uses may be permitted in the CG district, provided that a use permit is issued for each use:
(1) Crematoriums.
(2) Golf courses and related golf course uses, including golf driving ranges, golf maintenance buildings and golf club houses.

(3) Major outdoor amusement and recreation facilities.
(4) Yacht harbors and boating facilities.
(c) Residential uses in connection with the operation of any permitted use shall be permitted in the CG district.
(d) Buildings and uses normally considered accessory to the uses permitted in this section shall also be permitted in the CG district.
(1996, Ord. No. 96-160, sec. 2; ratified April 6, 1999.) [as taken from the State of Hawaii Zoning Code – Chapter 25]

For more information on this or any property in Hawaii, please call me at 808-756-4874, I would be happy to show you around, and research any real estate for you!

Blessings Always~

Claire K. Bajo RS |

Senior Real Estate Specialist

Intuitive Business Consultant

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Katie Minkus, R(B)

January 20, 2012

Aloha Claire. Wow, 9 bedrooms and 12 baths?? Wouldn’t it make an incredible Hawaii Life Kona office?? Got a spare $3M?

Katie Minkus, R(B)

January 20, 2012

Aloha Claire. Wow, 9 bedrooms and 12 baths?? Wouldn’t it make an incredible Hawaii Life Kona office?? Got a spare $3M?

Claire K. Bajo

January 21, 2012

With the $9 Trillion I’m expecting [via Law of Attraction thinking], we could make it a real estate & community learning center where all can enjoy learning various subjects they’d like, especially how to take care of the land, how to build community relationships & how to integrate the aloha spirit of giving so that all can prosper.. I’m so there [seeing myself in that cute pool lol]!

Claire K. Bajo

January 21, 2012

With the $9 Trillion I’m expecting [via Law of Attraction thinking], we could make it a real estate & community learning center where all can enjoy learning various subjects they’d like, especially how to take care of the land, how to build community relationships & how to integrate the aloha spirit of giving so that all can prosper.. I’m so there [seeing myself in that cute pool lol]!

Claire Bajo

March 13, 2012

Wow, this property just got reduced to $2,799,000 – What a deal for a commercial zoned multiple use residence in Kona – located within walking distance of shopping, town, and Kona events – you and your guests will have the ultimate accommodations!

Claire Bajo

March 13, 2012

Wow, this property just got reduced to $2,799,000 – What a deal for a commercial zoned multiple use residence in Kona – located within walking distance of shopping, town, and Kona events – you and your guests will have the ultimate accommodations!

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