Co-Living - A Possible Alternative For Seniors - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Co-Living – A Possible Alternative For Seniors

Have you ever consider living with someone to save on expenses? If so, you aren’t alone. Co-living is becoming an increasingly popular lifestyle, especially among seniors. Why? Because it’s a viable way for seniors to remain independent longer. If you are like a lot of seniors, you treasure your independence. But, you may be finding out that independent living and the expense of maintaining your current home is catching up to you. If that is the case, co-living might be the answer. Of course, a successful co-living arrangement depends a lot on finding a suitable roommate. The right roommate.

Where Do You Begin?

First and foremost, don’t limit yourself. Be willing to look outside of your own age range. For example, a college student with a part-time job might be a good fit. A younger person might not be able to pay as much in rent, but they may have some muscle and be willing to help with yard work and home maintenance, thus saving you some money. Plus, if they are busy attending classes, doing homework, and working part-time, you may hardly notice they are there. Perhaps someone who travels is a good consideration? Maybe a flight attendant who just needs a place to land when he or she is at home base. Or, consider a business person who travels for work. Certainly, there are lots of options and the key is to remain open and flexible.

Look For Similar Lifestyles

Of course, compatibility is important. If you are going to live with someone, especially someone who is around a lot, it’s important that you share similar interests. It also helps if you both feel similarly when it comes to tidiness, cleaning, and lifestyle. You’ll drive each other crazy if you are polar opposites. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t have your differences. In fact, someone who compliments your strengths and weaknesses may be a great choice.

Have a Trial Period

It’s a good idea to have a trial period before you commit to a long-term co-living arrangement. Be sure to discuss personal preferences ahead of time, too. We all have different lifestyles, so ask good questions. Are you an early riser? Do you watch a lot of television? Are you a homebody or do you like to go out a lot? You get the idea. Get to know each other. In fact, don’t invite anyone into your home until you know them a bit better. Meet in a public place at first and spend some time chatting and getting to know one another. If you hit it off and want to take it to the next level, invite a friend to be present during that first home visit. Doing a background check and getting references is not only acceptable, it’s imperative.

Advantages of Co-Living

A co-living arrangement can serve a lot of purposes. It can allow you to stay in your current home. Sharing expenses and chores will free up both your time and money. Co-living can also relieve boredom and loneliness. You may find that you truly enjoy living with a well-selected roommate. As you learn to appreciate your differences and work together, you will both experience a better life than either of you could have enjoyed on your own. Co-living is a great choice and a great way to enjoy this season in your life!

Share Your Experience!

If you’ve had a successful co-living arrangement, I’d love to hear about it. Feel free to share so that others can learn from your positive experience!

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Donna Vaughn

June 9, 2023

Lots of good ideas. I am trying to locate to Oahu as a senior of 70 yrs old and very young at heart. I lived on the island near Pearl Harbor in the 1960’s and was there for 5 years because my father was a CPO. I went back in 2007, it had really changed. I know that it’s expensive to live here, but still I want to live there, I just don’t know how. I’m very easy going and could get along with anyone who is not too messy, I would even help them in their housework, if they couldn’t get it done. Do you of any way I could list myself to live in a co-op type of housing or apartment. I can’t bring my car, so I need to be by a bus, but I still drive. I don’t have pets now. Thanks if you read this and can think of a site I can get listed on. I am LDS, live in Utah, I grew up in Oakland CA and Oahu, so I have been around many types of people, my husband who is passed away was part tahitian, and I love watching mainly Korean and other asian period piece and anything Korean. If a person needs to smoke pot for pain relief, I’m okay with that.

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