Big Island Macadamia Nut Farms For Sale - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Big Island Macadamia Nut Farms For Sale

Mac Attack! No, I’m not talking about burgers or Apples. Other than coffee farms, the most Big Island-specific type of agricultural property I’m asked about is the macadamia nut orchard. At the moment, there seems to be a good selection of Big Island macadamia nut farms or properties with mac nut orchards for sale.

Healthy macadamia nuts ready for picking!

Big Island Homes For Sale with Mac Nut Orchards

If your primary objective is to buy a Big Island home on acreage that already has some kind of orchard or agricultural production, you may be more concerned about the home than the macadamia nut or fruit orchards. Here are three options, depending on whether you prefer to be near Kona, Hawi, or Hilo.

Option 1. Macadamia Nut Property Near Kona

Enjoy your pool and view after working in your mac nut orchard in Keauhou Mauka (MLS# 252732) offered for $1,395,000

Ocean view? Pool? Proximity to Kailua Kona town and airport? Stylishly remodeled home? Then your best bet is probably the Hawaii Life listing in Keauhou Makau. A 7.25 acre property that in addition to 130 mac nut trees already has a wide variety of tropical fruit trees planted, priced at $1,395,000.

Don’t let the fact that the property is leasehold scare you off. Most coffee, macadamia nut, and other farms south of Kona are on leasehold land and we have agents who are well-versed in these purchases.

Option 2. Macadamia Nut Property in Hawi, North Kohala

Home on acreage in Hawi, North Kohala has an established mac nut orchard (MLS# 256840) for $887,000

Seeking a well-maintained, easy care home in a rural environment? Hawi has that old-Hawaii charm, only an hour from the Kona airport. A three-bedroom home on 5 acres with 180 producing mac nut trees and the processing equipment available for purchase is offered for $887,000 – right in line with comparable properties sold in the area this year. Completely on grid, but with a catchment irrigation system in place for a turnkey hobby farm.

Option 3. Macadamia Nut Property in Onomea Bay near Hilo

Onomea Bay home built in 2010 with ocean view, barn and producing mac nut orchard (MLS# 257949) for $1,295,000

Love the lushness of the Hamakua Coast near Hilo? Newer home with luxury finishes and ocean views in a neighborhood with estate-quality homes? Prefer a 200′ above sea level elevation for your mac nut farm? Try this almost 17 acre property in Onomea Bay, with 7 acres planted in mac nuts, offered for $1,295,000.

Just the Nuts: (Not Completely) Vacant Land For Sale with Macadamia Orchards

Established mac nut orchards are easy to work yourself, or you could hire help for an hourly rate

I almost made a joke about the not completely successful TV show Roseanne’s Nuts…but decided to bite my tongue. I recently had someone call me about vacant land for sale – “with a macadamia nut orchard.” Wouldn’t that be not completely vacant land for sale?  Moving on…

Here in the Hawi, North Kohala area, people have been hoping that Surety Kohala might place some land on the market at fire sale prices given the recent foreclosure of the Kohala Preserve Conservation Trust lands. Last week they released listings on lots planted in macadamia nuts up on Kapaau Rd. (what locals refer to as Water Works Road). Three lots were released: a one-acre lot for $180,000 and two lots of just under five acres each, priced at $275,000.

At these prices it is not surprising that one of the 5-acre lots has an accepted offer in less than a week on market; the 1-acre parcel is also in negotiation. That still leaves another five acres of land listed for $275,000 (MLS# 259564) – and four additional lots ranging from 11.6 acres to 44 acres still to be released! Since these upcoming listings are not in the MLS, you’ll have to call me for more details, or to get in the line to buy.

A hui hou,

Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)
Direct: 808.443.4588

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Tara Kelly

December 20, 2012

Wow! Great options. I’m going mac crazy..

Tara Kelly

December 20, 2012

Wow! Great options. I’m going mac crazy..

Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

December 20, 2012

I know, Tara, bring up some clients!

Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

December 20, 2012

I know, Tara, bring up some clients!

Leiola Augustine

December 26, 2012

Those new listings on waterworks road seem like great buys Beth. I can’t imagine they will be on the market for long.

Leiola Augustine

December 26, 2012

Those new listings on waterworks road seem like great buys Beth. I can’t imagine they will be on the market for long.

Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

December 26, 2012

Leiola, you are right. Only one out of seven does not have an offer…and the larger ones have only been released for three days!

Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

December 26, 2012

Leiola, you are right. Only one out of seven does not have an offer…and the larger ones have only been released for three days!


December 30, 2016


Beth Thoma Robinson

January 2, 2017

Steve, thanks for your interest. I will email you directly


December 30, 2016


Beth Thoma Robinson

January 2, 2017

Steve, thanks for your interest. I will email you directly

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