Best Place in North, Central, or South America - There's No Place Like Kauai's North Shore - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Best Place in North, Central, or South America – There's No Place Like Kauai's North Shore

I am back home! Wow, how wonderful to live where the air is clear, the earth is lush, and the waterfalls are running off the mountains into blue ocean water, yada, yada, yada (but it’s true!).

Having just spent 2+ months on the road: In Honolulu and the mainland U.S., Chile, and Argentina in South America, I can once again vouch for the fact that there is no place like the north shore of Kauai. I have recently experienced temperatures ranging from above 100 degrees to below freezing and for nothing special in return. I am spoiled, no doubt, and proud of it.

So, let me save you “unspoiled places” searchers some time and money; contact me for the low-down on Kauai and comparisons to the other places in the Western Hemisphere. For comparison’s sake, I have also been to Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Bermuda, U.S. & British Virgin Islands, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Let’s talk about value for living…(Next up: Princeville Value Homes for under $1M).

Thanks for reading…
Tom Austin 

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Mahana Dunn, RA

July 19, 2011

Kauai no ka oi! (Kauai is the best!)

Tom Austin

February 25, 2012

Thanks Mahana! I obviously think so, too!

Mahana Dunn, RA

July 19, 2011

Kauai no ka oi! (Kauai is the best!)

Tom Austin

February 25, 2012

Thanks Mahana! I obviously think so, too!

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