3rd and 4th Kauai Auction Sales This Year Mark A Viable Alternative To Traditional Strategies For Selling High-End Homes - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

3rd and 4th Kauai Auction Sales This Year Mark A Viable Alternative To Traditional Strategies For Selling High-End Homes

Perhaps a testament to the fact that real estate auctions are not only becoming a norm but a realistic alternative to standard methods of high-end residential sales, the latest transactions to officially close via the gavel of are two adjacent properties — 5.33 and 5.03 acres, respectively — perched above Secrets Beach on the North Shore of Kauai.

"Heavenly Home", a 5.03-acre parcel recently sold in auction, has a one bedroom one bath cottage sitting on hillside bliss

Easy living on the 5.3-acre Secrets Beach property

Auctions Move Homes

Following the successful sale in May of the luxurious Kohola Point at Anini Vista and a separate Secrets Beach sale of 24 acres in July, these recent Secrets Beach closings mark the third and fourth auction sales in 2012, further confirming the efficiency of auctions for selling high-end properties in Hawaii and making one idea clearly evident: auctions move homes.

Along with the utter magnificence of Kauai's North Shore, this photo shows three separate Secrets Beach properties recently sold in auction

Looking east from Kohola Point one can see where demand met opportunity for one lucky bidder

Morning time at Kohola Point…

Auctions Are A Solution

It’s a fact that the economic downturn of recent years has taken a highly kinetic housing market a couple (or few) gearshifts down. The amount of people looking to buy isn’t what it once was and, as a result, homes aren’t moving like they once were.

When a homeowner or landowner’s objective goes from getting a top figure price for their property to simply getting a reasonable price, or ‘aiming for a profit’ becomes ‘avoiding too much of a loss’, auctions are undoubtedly proving to be the most efficient solution and means of sale.

But that’s not to say that auctions only result in the least undesirable outcome for sellers. The Kohola Point sale garnered the highest sale-price for a property in Anini Vista in the previous year and July’s Secret’s Beach closing included the highest selling price for an oceanfront land parcel on the North Shore of Kauai in the last five years.

Bottom line: homes are selling.

Upcoming Auction on September 20th

The next auction takes place on September 20th, where in just a few days a 5.25-acre estate with elevated ocean, mountain, and valley views, along with an adjacent 3-acre land parcel, will be placed upon the auction block and — with selling absolute — sold to highest bidder.

Come Thursday, bids will be called out and a sale will take place…

Masterful design and sprawling views are but two descriptors of the 5.25-acre estate for auction on September 20th

This 3-acre land parcel sits adjacent to the 5.25 property, which may be sold separately, or together as an 8.25-acre tropical retreat

Mahalo to all involved for helping me with this sale!


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