Hawaii Ag Land Opportunity – Money for Nothing & Your Chickens for Free
Good news for all Hawaii property owners on Ag lands – to the tune of $469,614. The USDA has just announced that roughly 66 million dollars is being made available for Specialty Crop Block Grants, of which Hawaii Property Owners are eligible for $469,614.
Bees on a Tea Flower
Tea: The Brilliant Specialty Crop
This is a potential boost for Tea Growers on Maui. I consider Tea to be the brilliant specialty crop for the Hawaiian Islands and here’s why:
- High quality Tea is enjoying a renaissance worldwide
- The finished product is very lightweight (compared to pineapples, or sugar cane) and easily shipped all over
- Our climate will likely provide for outstanding yield, and more “flushes” or harvests than are typical for Japanese and Chinese crops since our growing season is all year long
- Tea is good for you and it’s an interactive crop – requiring skill and participation throughout all aspects of cultivation, harvest, and processing
- A springboard for interesting AgriTourism projects
Additional Information
If you would like to become a Tea Grower on Maui, I would be happy to help you find the perfect Agricultural Property, from pristine raw land, to established homesites in Kula and Haiku where growing conditions are perfect.
Contact me for information on land and plant availability. What about those free chickens? Believe me, once you live here, you’ll know what I mean when I say, “chickens for free.”
Liam S. Ball, R(S)
Na Liko Tea Garden
The pictures throughout this blog post are of Na Liko Tea Garden in Kaupakulua, Maui.
Maui Tea Field
Na Liko Tea Field
May 4, 2014
Liam–are you growing Tea (not to be confused with TI)?
Living in Haiku -is it possible?
Liam Ball
May 4, 2014
Yes! Anything is possible in Haiku. Although the 60 days of rain are making the plants grouchy. Grrrrr
May 4, 2014
Liam–are you growing Tea (not to be confused with TI)?
Living in Haiku -is it possible?
Liam Ball
May 4, 2014
Yes! Anything is possible in Haiku. Although the 60 days of rain are making the plants grouchy. Grrrrr
James glynn
May 10, 2020
Sounds like a great idea is there any property for sale in your area if you would like to contact me by phone my phone number is 518 764 6849