6 Tips on Preparing Your Home for the Market - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

6 Tips on Preparing Your Home for the Market

Even in Hawaii’s strong real estate market, as a seller you always want to get top dollar for your home. How do you do that?

There are certain elements that automatically add value to your home such as energy-efficient features and appliances, updated bathrooms and kitchen, finishing unfinished areas in your home, etc. Although decorating does not add value to your home it can definitely help with getting top dollar.

According to the National Association of Realtors, a staged home increased the dollar value offered between 1% and 5% compared to other similar homes that weren’t staged. Also, 82% percent of buyers-agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

As an agent, it is my duty to get top dollar for my clients. So here are some of my decor tips that I’ve had success with that could help you sell your home fast!

updated home entryway

1. First Impressions Are Last Impressions

The entrance of a home excites a buyer before opening the door to what could be their future home. As always the entrance should be clean, uncluttered and lively. Repaint the front door if necessary and add a plant or two. Replace worn hardware. It’s amazing what a little paint, a new door handle and a plant can do for an entrance. You want the future homeowners to be just as excited as you were when you purchased your home.

luxury home with big ocean view from living room

2. The 3 Ds: Declutter, Depersonalize, & Deep Clean

I can’t express how much of a difference this makes to potential buyers. It is a complete distraction and one cannot get a feel of homeyness. According to the National Association of Realtors, the top home improvement items agents recommended to sellers were decluttering the home 93% of the time and entire home cleaning 85% of the time. A clean home is the first step in a home makeover that helps catch the attention of your prospective buyers. A clean home is satisfying to you, so imagine how satisfying it is to the person interested in buying it.

  • The appliances in the kitchen should be wiped down, clean and pleasant to open.
  • Cabinets should be free of fingerprints
  • Tables and counters should be free of clutter and paperwork
  • Bathrooms should be immaculate with a pleasant scent – re-caulk if necessary
  • Bedrooms and closets should be spotless – wipe down baseboards in every room
  • Vacuum in all nooks and crannies, sweep & mop – consider getting floors re-waxed or re-stained if necessary
  • Take down personal items

tidy living room

3. Paint or Touch Up Paint

Buyers aren’t typically interested in moving into a home they have to put work into. Some are, but a majority aren’t. Cleaning up walls by painting them a neutral color or simply touching up the scuffs on the walls could help tremendously with selling your home quick! After touching up the walls, keep them clean and clutter-free.

four poster bed

4. Opening Up Rooms

Natural light can be very appealing here in Hawaii, especially in saving on electricity. Remove dark heavy curtains or replace them with light sheer curtains. Letting natural light in and adding a standing mirror to a small room can cause the room to appear large than it actually is. Make the common areas as bright with natural light as possible.

large kitchen island

5. Don’t Overdo It!

According the NAR, the three most important rooms staged to buyers is the living room, master bedroom and kitchen. Decorating is important but too many decorations can be obnoxious. You want the potential buyers to be able to envision their own decorations in the home.

  • The living room should be open with as much natural light as possible. Adding a plant to the living room can really add character to the room.
  • Keep the kitchen counter space clear. It gives the buyer a better idea of how much counter space they have. Add fresh flowers or a bowl of fruit to the counter for that homey feel. Clear the refrigerator of all magnets and papers.
  • Master bedroom bed a hotel white comforter(preferably). Extra pillows with a soft throw blanket draped over one corner of the bottom of the bed to give it a savvy feel. Nightstands should be cleared off.

Living on a beautiful island gives you the upper hand of making someone fall in love with a home that feels like vacation.

6. Last But NOT Least!

Make your home smell welcoming. Whether that be a nice smelling candle, plug-ins or a spray, it nicely sets the mood. Walking into a home that has an odor or pet odor is unwelcoming. When a buyer walks into your home the first two impressions are always the cleanliness and the smell of the home. If these two measure up to those standards then the client will stay interested through the home!

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March 7, 2023

You are absolutely correct! Thank you so much for this BlOG!

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