5 Questions To Uplift Your Life & Home, While In Isolation - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

5 Questions To Uplift Your Life & Home, While In Isolation

As we are all aware, effective around our world is a time of isolated quarantine. While this time presents many challenges, it could also be an opportunity to slow down, reflect on our lives, and re-connect with what is most important. Here are our top 5 questions to positively uplift your life and home, while in isolation.

1. What do you need most, right now?

It’s always a good time to reflect on where you are currently at in your own life and prioritizing what needs immediate attention by asking yourself the question, “what do I need most, right now?”

Whether you need more resting time, meditation time, healthier food, walking in nature, time in the garden, creative ways to generate income or fixing the things around the house that you’ve been putting off for a while and having more of a healthy life-work balance, taking the time to focus on your most pressing needs and delineating the order of less important needs, is critical for our overall health and happiness.

2. What are your life goals and dreams?

Take the time to sit down and get very clear about what your passions, life goals, and dreams are, determining what’s most important and where you want to go next.

What do you really want to be doing with your life? What do you enjoy doing? What are you most passionate about? Be willing to get really honest with yourself, yet have fun during the process. What inspires you the most and what you are naturally good at can surprisingly be the very thing that people need the most and what can generate income for you.

We all have limited time, and what matters most is how you value your time, living your life to the fullest in the areas that bring you the most joy and happiness.

3. How could you be living a healthier, sustainable lifestyle?

One of the many areas to prioritize that these times may be bringing to light for a lot of people, and our world, right now, is how we could all be living healthier, sustainable lifestyles.

Take the time to look at your life and home environment and ask yourself how you could be living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle in balance with your surroundings, to safeguard yourself and your family, now and in the future.

For example, does your home feature green, energy-efficient, and sustainable living practices? If not, how could it be improved? You could start by planting your own veggie garden or herb patch, by switching to solar, or by installing rainwater catchments or composting toilets, to name just a few.

A healthier lifestyle could also mean choosing to surround yourself with people and in social circles that positively support your best, healthiest self.

You could also look at learning a new skill or trade that you’ve always wanted to do or work on getting your business to be more focused via online technology (social media, video conferencing, etc.), to diversify your income, leverage your energy to work from home and grow your network to appeal towards a larger, worldwide audience.

4. How can you make this world a kinder, better place?

Whether we are aware of it or not, our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions have a direct effect on ourselves, others, and the world around us. Choosing to be kind and do kind things, with the ‘Aloha Spirit,’ in the thoughts that we think, how we speak and our actions can make a world of difference, especially at this time.

What kind thing can you say or do today that would be uplifting to yourself and others? Is there someone in your community that can’t go to the store and needs support? Do you know of a friend or loved one that lives alone at home and could use someone to talk with via online video (Zoom or Skype)? Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to do something kind for someone that you haven’t had the time for, until now?

Whatever it is, even a small word or act of kindness has the power to uplift our lives, especially now in a time when we all need it the most.

5. What are you grateful for?

Gratitude is a way to help improve your health, deal with adversity, and build stronger relationships. Gratitude also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power.

Look around you; what are the things that you are grateful for in your life? Even the little, simple things deserve recognition.

At the end of the day, remembering to be grateful is to remember that our lives, family and friends and what we do have is a blessing, as anything can occur at any time and to not take anything in life for granted.

Get in Touch with Dave Futch

Please feel free to reach out; I am always open to share an idea or a caring thought. In fact, I believe this is a good time to exercise our connectedness. I invite you to Get in Touch with Dave Futch by calling 808-280-9600, visiting www.davefutch.com or via e-mail dave@davefutch.com.

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