3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While on the Market - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While on the Market

Most clients understand the importance of hiring a real estate professional to help buy or sell your Oahu home, but what about safeguarding the properties? Unfortunately in today’s day and age, we have to be careful with almost everything we do in life. This is also true when it comes to listing your home for sale.


It’s always best to be safe and take proactive steps to protect your property

Below are some tips to help keep your home safe while it’s on the market.

1. Remove valuables prior to putting your home on the market. Anything of value – checkbooks, electronics, firearms, and so much more – should be placed offsite in a safety deposit box prior to listing the home for sale. So with that said, as a seller you must realize there will be strangers in the home, and everything that cannot be replaced, is valuable, or confidential, should be removed completely from the property. I know I always expect the best in people, but it’s always best to be safe and take proactive steps to protect your property.

2. This is also true prior to videos or pictures. There are numerous online videos, photographs, 3D mapping, and other tools used by real estate professionals to help market and sell the property – but they can also be used by thieves. If you have an extremely rare or collectable item, it’s best not to have that show up in pictures. Often as agents, we hold open houses. These are done for potential buyers to see your property, but they can also bring undesirables into the home. Unfortunately, if the home has multiple levels, or there is a big turnout, the agent usually does not have the ability to watch everyone. It also can make potential real buyers uncomfortable to be followed around the property.

3. Remember the last-minute details. Once you are ready to list your property, take a few seconds and walk around the home; look around and see what might be best to remove from the property prior to the listing going live. If you have any prescription drugs, I always recommend keeping them with you during a showing or open house for safekeeping. As always, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Want to Know More?

If you have any questions about keeping your home safe while it’s on the market, feel free to contact me.

David Lundstrom

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