Zero Down Home Loans Available - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Zero Down Home Loans Available

USDA/Rural Housing Loans Offer 100% Financing on Hawaii Homes

Many people are unaware that there is still 100% financing available. There are definitely eligibility requirements for the property and the borrower. To find out if you are eligible, this website is an excellent resource:

As an example, the whole island of Kauai is considered rural. This does not mean that every property on Kauai is eligible for this loan, but does broaden the liklihood that a property would be eligible. Condos are also eligible as long as they are already on an approved government list, such as VA or FHA.

Income eligibility is a key piece as well. The income guidelines are generous. I recently closed a USDA/RH loan for a single borrower that makes just under $50,000 per year.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact me.

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Miriam Perlmutter, R(B) Broker in Charge Kauai North Shore

February 4, 2012

Thanks for the great information Sharon. Forwarding on to my clients!

Miriam Perlmutter, R(B) Broker in Charge Kauai North Shore

February 4, 2012

Thanks for the great information Sharon. Forwarding on to my clients!

Carol Andrews

February 23, 2012

This is terrific news for our Buyer’s. I appreciate working with you and the excellent service you have provided to many of my Buyer’s and being a part of fulfillilng their dreams.

Sharon Gerber

February 23, 2012

It’s really a good idea to compare the rural housing loans with the FHA and conventional with mortgage insurance. The annual fee on the rural housing is much lower than the mortgage insurance. However, the annual fee is for the life of the loan.

Carol Andrews

February 23, 2012

This is terrific news for our Buyer’s. I appreciate working with you and the excellent service you have provided to many of my Buyer’s and being a part of fulfillilng their dreams.

Sharon Gerber

February 23, 2012

It’s really a good idea to compare the rural housing loans with the FHA and conventional with mortgage insurance. The annual fee on the rural housing is much lower than the mortgage insurance. However, the annual fee is for the life of the loan.

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